Why celebrate World Breastfeeding Week?

Home » Why celebrate World Breastfeeding Week?

It’s #WorldBreastfeedingWeek and unlike what it may seem, it is not a time when mothers who breastfeed cut cakes and put down mothers who do not.  Breastfeeding is a subject close to my heart and this is not merely because I did it for so long. Which I did. The real reason is because like many, many, many new mothers I was given incorrect information, mixed messages and inadequate encouragement. My own breastfeeding journey was not without issues and only when I empowered myself and made informed decisions did I become a happy, confident nursing mother.

.Though I chose to exclusively breastfeed my twin boys and let them nurse till they self weaned (Nirbhay at 3 years 3 months and Adhyant at exactly 4 years), I still firmly believe that it is every individual mother’s choice whether to breastfeed or not, whether to do it exclusively or not. And I respect every mother’s choice and her reasons behind it. What does disappoint me though is when mothers have to make that decision based on unscientific, ill informed opinion. 

.That brings me to the purpose of this week –  To dispel myths surrounding breastfeeding, to support mothers who want to breastfeed and to normalise breastfeeding in a world where the first image associated with a baby is bottle and not the mother’s breast.


Through my own journey and through what I learnt and unlearnt, I hope to contribute to the purpose of this week. .


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