Should kids carry home-cooked meals or eat school food?

Home » Should kids carry home-cooked meals or eat school food?

Adhyant & Nirbhay, my 5-yr-old twin boys started full day school recently. With them out of the house for a total of 8 hours, it means that 5 days a week they’re having 2 meals + 1 snack while at school. 

We had the option of us sending food from home or them eating in the school cafeteria. I’ve opted to cook and send tiffins and I’ve had quite the mixed response for it. From those who appreciate the effort, to those who think it’s but obvious that I should and  then there are those who question why I would want to when there is an option of them eating school food.

I’ll start with a disclaimer. I completely respect all choices other parents make for their children. Almost all parents have their child’s best interests at heart. Yet everyone has different circumstances, challenges and skill sets. What works for my children and our family may not for others and vice versa. I myself thought over this decision long and hard and yet it is not set in stone.

My reasons for choosing to send home food are manifold. 

  • I enjoy cooking. Cooking for the kids also translates into cooking for my husband and myself. We eat healthier, fresh food in the bargain.
  • I strongly believe food habits developed in childhood have a lifelong impact. We all are testament to having an emotional connection and liking for food we developed a taste for as kids. I’d like A & N to develop a love for home-cooked, healthy food and consider non home cooked food as an occasional treat, not an everyday habit.
  • The food served at school is prepared by a caterer. The school staff eats this food as well so there is a quality check but for me this is still an unknown entity who has no personal interest in keeping my kids healthy. 
  • Food cooked in bulk amounts requires certain adjustments to be made while food cooked at home in smaller quantity doesn’t.
  • While cooking myself I can keep their personal preferences in mind. I am also able to ascertain how much and what they’ve eaten.

At the forefront of this is my interest in nutrition which developed strongly after the birth of my boys. This has also prompted me to delve deeper into Child Nutrition currently, insights of which I will be sharing with you here over the course of the next few weeks.


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