Child Nutrition: Why our children are in trouble

Home » Child Nutrition: Why our children are in trouble

Like most other parents, I too want my children to be healthy. Unlike a few parents though, I do not feel the need to allow them to eat everything available or whatever they may ask for. I don’t agree with the argument that some of my generation and the one before mine make – that we had no restrictions and we turned out fine. No, we haven’t turned out fine. 

Take one look around and you will see so many people suffering from lifestyle diseases. Things like Type 2 Diabetes, pre-Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart ailments, arthritis, pcos etc are widespread. We all also know how exposure to and consumption of carcinogenic substances has made cancer a common household name.  On the other hand, the average life expectancy is increasing. While previous generations lived till they were 60, our children are expected to live to an average age of around 100. Their body and organs have to last them much longer. Medical technology will be able to keep people alive longer but the quality of life they lead will depend upon their health and fitness levels.

Our children are in trouble, because we’ve outsourced the job of feeding them. Our desire for convenience has us relying on strangers to produce the food we feed our families. For many kids these days eating food out of a packet is perfectly normal. Even schools are handing out juice boxes and flavoured milk on a daily basis. Chips, biscuits, chocolates and namkeens out of a packet are an everyday affair and we all are guilty to this. Processed food is full of excess salt, sugar, unhealthy fats and additives that will over a period of time cause irreparable damage. Artificial food colours that are so common have been shown to contribute to ADHD, cancer and allergies.

There is a reason why all of this tastes so good and makes us feel like eating more and more of it (remember the tagline ‘No one can eat just one’). Large corporations hire scientists to come up with and include habit forming addictive substances to these very snacks so that we’re hooked for good. In short we’re opting for short term convenience over long term health.

Our children are relying on us to make good choices for them. Let’s all try harder to give them what they deserve.

Stay tuned to my series on Child Nutrition for a deep dive into the world of nutrition for our children and our family as a whole and join me in striving to cook healthier, feed healthier and eat healthier.


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