Are we failing new mothers?

Home » Are we failing new mothers?

Today the 11th of April is observed as National Safe Motherhood Day in India to raise awareness about the importance of providing proper healthcare to women during pregnancy, delivery and postnatal.

While India’s Maternal Mortality Rate is on the decline (especially in urban areas) due to improved medical facilities, a vast area that is terribly neglected is the emotional and mental health of a pregnant woman or new mother. Discussing Postpartum depression is still taboo. Unlike most developed countries, there is no mandatory screening for the same. Societal empathy for new mothers having the blues is almost negligible.

Breastfeeding support still leaves a lot to be desired. OB-GYNs and Pediatricians are often hand in glove with formula companies to promote their products. At the faintest inkling of any issue with breastfeeding (and even when there isn’t any) mothers are pressurized by both the medical fraternity and their own family to opt for formula. This instead of being encouraged or helping them find a solution to any early difficulties.

Things are not easier at the workplace. Though the law has finally increased maternity leave to 6 months, many women from the time they are pregnant, are sidelined, passed over for promotions or even worse – forced to quit. Large companies that can conjure up space for foosball tables still have new mothers pumping breastmilk in bathrooms.

The crux of the matter – being an emotionally happy and mentally stress free new mother is no walk in the park. The least we can do is offer compassion during this challenging time.


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