A lil' bit about me...

I’m Jharna Kukreja (a.k.a Jharna Kukreja Chauhan) – erstwhile twin mom to 5-year-old boys, once upon a time journalist (Yahoo, Times Now, CNBC-TV18) and forever unsolicited gyaani.

I’ve grown up in Bombay (Yes, I will still call it that) and Los Angeles before making my way to Bangalore which has been home for over 9 years now. After working for a decade in the news media, mommyhood happened and my life somersaulted 360 degrees.

If you’re still reading, WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

What you can find here –

TWINDIA: Mom-life experiences and anecdotes, what it’s like to raise twins in a place like India , tips and tricks to survive the maze that is modern day parenting, sneak peaks into the chaos with my cuties.

LIVING LIFE RIGHT: Lifestyle choices, organisation funda,  domestic ninjagiri, nutrition, recipes, travel diaries

VIEWS & REVIEWS: The good, the bad and the ugly of places, things, experiences. Tried and tested right from the source.

ET CETERA:  The miscellaneous stuff I want to dish out on – Feminism, Sport, Civic issues, Pop culture, Social buzz. 


Stay tuned to jharnalist.com for parenting tips, mom-life anecdotes, lifestyle, reviews and more.

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