Painless Vaccinations – Do they really exist?

Home » Painless Vaccinations – Do they really exist?

It’s World Immunization Week and some of you would have seen in my stories that Adhyant and Nirbhay got vaccinated just a few days ago. These were the vaccines that needed to be given anytime between 4-6 years of age. There was some confusion over whether to give ‘painful’ or ‘painless’ injections and we revisited the old discussion and debate that took place when the boys were infants. This time however I had the chance to do my own research as opposed to just listen to what a particular doctor or hospital decided for the boys. Here’s what I learnt –

  • There is actually no such thing as ‘painless’ vaccinations (Yes, really!)
  • The confusion has emerged due to the availability of the DTaP vaccine as an alternative to DTP. DTP or DTaP protects children from three diseases – Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (whooping cough). According to the Immunization schedule, this needs to be given twice. Once between 16-24 months of age and the next between 5-6 years of age.
  • The difference between DTP and DTaP is in the Pertussis vaccine. DTP is a whole cell vaccine which basically means it contains the whole bacteria cell. On the other hand, DTaP is an acellular vaccine which means it doesn’t contain the whole cell but only the parts needed for a body to develop immunity. DTaP has been dubbed as ‘Painless’ due to lesser incidents of side effects as compared to DTP
  • The side effects most common from DTP are localized swelling, fever and pain.
  • For ALL other vaccines there is only one type which means there are no painfull or painless options.

I cannot stress enough on the importance of vaccinating your child. You are not only protecting them as individuals from serious, potentially fatal diseases but also the rest of your community through the development of herd immunity.

his World Immunization Week UNICEF is running a global campaign to emphasise the power and safety of vaccines. From 24-30 April, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will contribute US $1 to UNICEF for every like or share of social media posts using the hashtag #VaccinesWork, up to US $1 million to ensure all children get the life-saving vaccines they need. So don’t be stingy on the likes! #NotSponsored


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